Make Way For Ducklings
I watch the birds and knowit’s no small thing –finding a place to call home.
watching the way of things
The gull chased that eagle right back where he came from, screaming all the way.
free-range bunny
In my daily routines, through winter and spring, lives this roadside rabbit.
what is needed
The sun shines and temps are warm, but patience is in the equation too.
Love You Hard – Abby Maslin
Marriage is the act of choosing love again and again and again. It is the falling out of it and the diving back in. The constant evolution of two people who have chosen to weave separate, complementary lives. It didn’t have to be the brain injury – although brain injury may be the most extreme, …
Calling Spring!
Never mind the morning snow dust, I put my ice bugs away today.
this is how I live
I walkday after day, year after yearbreathing the rhythms of light.
What I Leave Behind – Alison McGhee
How do you get through, when things are too much? Ask me and I’ll tell you to walk. “Just walk,” I’ll say. “Walk. Walk and walk and walk and walk and walk.” I was super curious when I heard about the structure of this YA book >> 100 chapters, 100 words in each chapter. I …
Seems like magic to me
Bread making is science and art in the capable hands of my boy.
Anchorage Spring
Is that grass? asked a friend in response to my facebook post: It is! I said. It’s been five months under a snow blanket. We are super excited because when the grass appears, spring must be right behind! But spring in Alaska is ugly (and stinky). In many places now, depending on sun angles, the …
Homestead Girl – Chantelle Pence
If certain things hadn’t happened, I wouldn’t be here now, in this place with this perspective. I read an opinion piece in the newspaper and went looking for more from the author. Homestead Girl is her story. Rather, a collection of her stories. A book of essays – poetic and thoughtful. And a good addition …
and so how will you live?
Sometimes the circumstances leave you few choices, but to be herenow.
Walking On Water – Madeleine L’Engle
This questioning of the meaning of being, and dying, and being, is behind the telling of stories around tribal fires at night; behind the drawing of animals on the walls of caves; the singing of melodies of love in spring, and of the death of green in autumn. It is part of the deepest longing …
Just wondering
What will become of the little leaf that stayed through the whole winter long?
Anticipation Builds
Days are longer, the sun shines warmer,and promises are everywhere.
Song of the Trees – Mildred D. Taylor
Dear, dear old trees….will you ever sing again? Song of the Trees is a picture book (with one of my favorite illustrators!). I read Mildred D. Taylor’s Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry and Let the Circle Be Unbroken when I was a kid, but I didn’t know then they were set in a larger …
The Myth of Equality – Ken Wytsma
Racism….Not only is it hard to fix, but it requires a deep assessment and realigning of our own mental constructs, ways of viewing history, and notions of justice. The Myth of Equality is an accessible, important book that aligned well with the deep dive into US History that I’ve been working through this year. It’s …
Nope. I am not going in there.
Through the tunnel to another gorgeous sunset, but also a moose.
placing this moment in a bigger frame
Standing in drippy ice at the edge of a melty mud field, yet hope.
Banner In The Sky – James Ramsey Ullman
Perhaps a half-hour’s climb above them the ridge ended. It was not merely interrupted, as had been the case at the Fortress, but ended – for good – and beyond it the mountain soared up in what from below, seemed an absolutely perpendicular wall. Rudi tried to estimate its height, from its base, where the …
Breaking Winter, Breaking Records
We’ve had no measurable snow in March! and warm temps to break things up.