“Isn’t it funny?” she remarked as her father steered the car into their driveway.
“Isn’t what funny?” asked her mother.
“That I used to be little and funny-looking and cross-eyed like Roberta,” said Ramona. “And now look at me. I’m wonderful me!”
“Except when you’re blunderful you,” said Beezus.
Ramona did not mind when her family, except Roberta who was too little, laughed.
“Yup, wonderful, blunderful me,” she said and was happy. She was winning at growing up.
In this book Uncle Hobart marries Aunt Bea and they move to Alaska. Bob is still caught in an unhappy stretch of his career path and Dorothy has a baby. (see what I did there? #answers)
And lastly – I don’t know much about book publishing but this particular book doesn’t seem to have many options for individual copies available for purchase. You can buy it in a boxed set. And also on audible, easily enough. But the single copies seem to be primarily used options. Or, you can buy a new hardback copy like this one I got from the library for $274.50 on Amazon.