Naughty Dotties
free ranging chickens sampling and trampling lettuceleaves what a big mess!
Window Thinking
free ranging chickens sampling and trampling lettuceleaves what a big mess!
It’s 10pm and August light still shines bright but that’s about to end.
Some of us are better at the social distance measure than others.
late in the seasona single bleeding heart bloomsunexpectedly
small batch raspberry jam for a bright red taste of sweet summerdelight
glaciers and snowfieldsmelt to hold the sky in a dimpled reflection
We walked off the edge of the grid to this place where the quiet sounds big.
It’s so fun seeing the proof that our backyard was not canceled this year.
afternoon sunevening buckets of rain flash.BANG! wrap it with a bow
I think it might depend more on a shovel or perhaps the chickens.
sun sets like fire to light the grass at waters edgeflames dance in the wind
Ugly chainlink fence is nothing when the Diva turns her face to you.
like magicI turned backyard berries into jam then we ate it all
summer tastes likesweet cinnamon peaches in a custard crumb crust pie
Golden Campine lounging in a spot of sunshineliving her best life.
after sideways rainemptied park and trailsred necked grebe dives for dinner
sometimes anchorsometimes launchpadbut always grace to carry me through
Dottie knows it’s truethe grass really is greener on the other side.
Six-Row Bere (like bear) for long days, short seasonsin racing stripe design
rumpled red dahlia in the backyard gardenthank youfor being here
praise for good tools andespecially this hand hoe which is my favorite