beauty come and gone
I complain about this front yard tree much more than it deserves, but ugh.
Window Thinking
I complain about this front yard tree much more than it deserves, but ugh.
I wonder – does she ever think about taking long walks in the snow?
You will either remember reading this and know why you remember reading this, or you will remember reading this and not know why you remember reading this, or you will not remember reading this, possibly forever. I am not much of a re-reader. This was a re-read for me. The truth is – I don’t …
We can’t open our front windows so it’s good we have lots of doorstops
I guess there’s really no telling what people will remember you by.
One cry from that gull and you will regret stepping so close to the kids.
Long hot days are making an Alaska summer for the record books.
My boy picks a handful of Oregon Hoods in our backyard each day.
Cotton lies like a blanket of snow on these long, warm Alaska days.
Players have gone to bed and all the stories will soon be memories.
A 10p paddle on a warm, smoky evening becauseAlaska.
Tonight we spotted fireweed getting ready to light the summer fuse.
What a fabulous gift of love we got when this yellow pup was born.
Wildfires burn and smoke hangs wide across the viewsbut such a sweet sunset!
This is the happy season of backyard flowers in the house.
Rooted in a crack of rock high on the mountainsideflowers bloom bright.
Walking a mud beach beneath a great big sky is #alaskamagic.
Today the sun stretched its light across the hours as far as it can reach.
This little bright spot stands in the weedslike a signpost along my way.
Better, worse, richer, poorer, sickness , health – these words fleshed out still, we do.
A particular kind of grace appears when living into your gifts.
In the rhythm of seasonswe work and we watch and we wait with hope.
Off the path deep in the weedsbeauty is – maybe especially – there.